When I first went out to give the birds breakfast, it was already warmer than yesterday. After my breakfast, an osprey landed in a pine tree next door, I think to eat something. Its head would dip down out of sight then come up. Hummers visited. The sky cleared during the morning.

The bluebirds showed up at lunch, both looking wet. A Carolina wren landed on the hanger for the hummer feeder. Something about it suggested a young bird. The dark female hummer appeared quite hungry. A blue jay snatched a mouthful of mealworms.

I finally got outside just as clouds were beginning to move in. Lots of blue dashers were posted around the yard. A small bluish butterfly evaded me. A little green heron screeched and flew off downstream. A yellow crowned night heron hunted in the spartina. I rescued a wasp. Soon thunder began to rumble. I got out of the water and sat to drip off. A male hummer visited the feeder but there was no sun to light up his throat.

After about half an hour of distant thunder, rain and lightning began. The light dropped too much for photography. Titmice were hungry and came out in the rain. A hummer followed. The rain fell quite hard for a while and put an inch in the ant moat. When it slacked off, I saw a great crested flycatcher land in the top of a pine. The rain stopped in the evening and fireflies began signalling.
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