It was a beautiful June morning that made the hurricane label seem silly. Early clouds cleared off and the rain during the night left drops behind to sparkle in the sunlight. A male goldfinch peeked from the cherry but came no closer. An egret fished in the dam overflow. Titmice slept in but then wanted seeds. Blue dasher dragonflies perched and scanned for flying food. A wasp was very interested in hackberry leaves.

After my lunch I watched a yellow crowned night heron catch hers or his. When the heron is about to pounce, it gently wags its body from side to side. The rain this week overfilled the pool. I found ground beetles and fireflies floating along with spiders running on surface tension.

The gladiolus spears (flower buds) appeared and I counted three yellow rose buds. A lovely comma or question-mark butterfly flitted around the roses but never let me get a clear shot. Fish kept jumping high out of the water, I think fleeing a predator. A striped bee nectared on the lavender. A couple of egrets fished in the dam outfall.
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