The morning creek was bright and glassy but the breeze soon roughened the surface. A brown thrasher was visible at breakfast. It went for beauty berries and there was not yet enough light to photograph that area.

A cobweb spider in the window had her egg sack hatch. I would have expected the spiders to winter over as eggs. There were slug tracks across a sheet web in the cinquefoil on the North side of my office. Three goldenrod stalks were blooming. As the yard has gotten more shady, just a few stalks survived. The marsh fleabane appeared to be doing well. The hackberry grew galls instead of berries. Some sort of
predatory bug stalked something up in the hackberry leaves.

As we finished lunch, a black rat snake appeared below the bird feeders. It slipped across the steps and through the mulch and disappeared somewhere behind the sakaki. It was able to raise its head about six inches to take a good look at where it planned to go.
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