The gusty wind came from the Southwest, so it was warm and humid. It was strong enough to push cumulus clouds as fast as jets. Higher cirrus clouds hardly moved. The speeding cumulus made the sunlight blink and sometimes looked like rain, but the day stayed dry. The wind kept all the birds away at breakfast. I saw an egret on the dock as we were leaving.

Chickadees and titmice came for lunch. The Argiope we saw yesterday was squished on the concrete today. It probably was dead already yesterday. K found a small green frog in the skimmer. Later, I fished lots of ground beetles and a few spiders out of the water. I saw another high-flying bird and photographed a smudge.

Toward evening, geese and mallards were out on the creek, and just before it got dark I saw another egret. The wind made waves on the creek.
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