The suet attracted downy woodpeckers. I spotted a white throated sparrow eating beauty berries. A song sparrow joined the white throats briefly under the seed feeder. Hoodies and geese were out on the water early.

At lunchtime a flock of cormorants chased fish upstream. I didn't see any other birds join the hunt today. I spent too long trying to figure out what the cormorants have been catching this week. My best guess is
Eucinostomus argenteus, spotfin or silver mojarra. A few have been found in Buchanan Creek by scientists collecting for ecological evaluation. They have little commercial or sport use, so information was sparse.
Despite the chilly breeze, there were insects flying, mostly yellow jackets, I think. One caterpillar was still hanging around the parsley. Squirrels got into everything and ate up all the mealworms. Mallards sucked something from the creek surface and the drake appeared to be after a barnacle.

Some clouds appeared around sunset and turned beautiful
colors, so I had to capture their reflection, preferably with cormorants or egrets
flying to roost.
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