today's tide was the highest of the year, but of course weather matters more than moon position. The tide was high by 10am (standard time) but not extraordinarily so. Meanwhile, I saw a blue jay, a downy woodpecker, the male kingfisher, two flickers, and a flock of butterbutts.hopping around the hackberry. A chickadee perched on the windowsill. And where was the camera? At the other end of the house.

Thankfully most of the birds hung around while I fetched the camera. A flicker hunted bugs in the grass. A warbler, hunting bugs in the tree contorted itself into a pose
Audubon would have loved.

And by 10:30 the tide was dropping. Mallards napped on the dock, having waddled aboard when the water covered the near end of it. We spent the day at UCN. The tide was receding when we got there but still covered the side street along the Hague.
Crows were beginning to gather as we passed the 64/264 interchange and the sun set soon after we got home,thanks to the end of Daylight Saving Time. The sky was clearing so there wasn't much to capture colored light.
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