I spent the nice morning in meetings and observed during the gray, wet afternoon. Sprinkles of rain began a little before 3pm and strengthened a bit
around 4:30, but remained gentle. The low light level ruined about half
the photos.

A pine warbler was waiting when I got home. The male red bellied woodpecker worked on the nubbin of suet and then traded places with the female. I didn't see a downy until late afternoon. A blue jay watched from the cherry, but didn't come any closer. The camera refused to focus on both pine and yellow rumped warblers in the cherry, but was fine with a drab female house finch.

A Carolina wren investigated K's granola, but decided against it, as did the white throated sparrows. Even a squirrel seemed unenthusiastic. Instead, I saw a squirrel apparently eating flower buds up in the dogwood. Titmice, as usual, stuck to the sunflower seeds. And the one junco I saw stayed down on the lower patio.

A first winter black backed gull paddled in the creek. An adult ring billed gull stood on a piling. A great blue heron fished up and down the creek. Pelicans, a couple of cormorants and a hoodie drake also prospected for fish.
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