The sky was overcast and the windows were fogged at breakfast because the outdoor air was so warm and damp. Thus I could not get a picture of the white breasted nuthatch that made only one visit to the sunflower seeds. Despite its repeated visits to the bark butter balls, a blue jay also escaped the camera. Downy and red bellied woodpeckers competed with starlings for suet. One of the yellow rumped warblers switched to the front yard suet. Titmice joined chickadees for seeds

A bug of some sort overnighted in a daffodil. Turtles were back on their log. Forsythia was in bloom. The sky cleared by mid afternoon and moon was well up by then. It was balmy even in the shade when there was a breeze. But winter isn't over and the suet disappeared too quickly, thanks to the starlings.
Another 79
°F record!
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