Mist washed out the pines across the creek when I got up. A titmouse came to the feeder briefly. Hummers were up early. So was a very handsome red cardinal. A thin trickle of sunlight came through after breakfast. The morning battle with the geese continued. Egrets fished in the turbulence from the dam.

Later there was a light sprinkle of rain. By lunch time, there were shadows again. A skimmer perched on the feeder hanger while a hummingbird got lunch. A cabbage white flitted around the rue while wasps fed. Skinks dashed about their business. A stinkbug crawled around on the window. Since there were no bark butter balls, there were no blue jays.

In the early evening, dragonflies were zipping back and forth over the patio and I tried to catch one on camera.
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