The sun was mostly visible, but neither bright nor hot. Sometimes the clouds had texture and sometimes the sky was just white. The air was comfortably room temperature but then a gust of wind would make me chilly. It also seemed to discourage insects. The sycamore next door decided this was the day to release its seeds. They were held in tight balls all year until now when this Spring's fertilized flowers formed new seed balls. I wasted pixels trying to capture a floating seed.

Skinks scuttled around and soaked up sunshine in sheltered spots. There may have been a tussle between males under the leaves. A squirrel gnawed something up in the oak, maybe a gall? Another squirrel had some difficulty shimmying up the wire to the mealworms, which gave me an idea. So I wiped the wire with oil.

A female hummer was happy with fresh juice and not about to share with a male. Earlier when I was watering, the male zipped through the spray.
I hung a new birdhouse that was labeled as a decoration, not real. But wrens are famous for nesting in other decorations that look even less suitable. So we'll see. Of course it would be a second nest as most birds' eggs have already hatched. Certainly the bluebirds were busy bringing food to their nest box.

I glimpsed ospreys and egrets. A wren sang loudly, repeatedly, from close by, but I never caught sight of it. Geese stayed out of the yard for once. Three swallows zipped across the sky, chattering. I got one fuzzy image. The light faded early into a long twilight.
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