I woke up to cold sunshine and fishing birds. A flock of cormorants and a couple of pelicans seemed to have found a school of fish right off our dock. They moved upstream and a heron rested on the dock. At breakfast, hoodies showed up to catch what was left. The winter weather pattern settled in: warm & wet, cold & bright. Yesterday's wind blew off the leaves that had turned, leaving trees either green or bare. The beauty berries lost their magenta flamboyance and were merely red.

After lunch the hooded mergansers came back. One male had a terrific tussle with a fish. The male cardinal rudely bumped the female off the seed feeder. Half the year he courts her with seeds and the other half, it's like he turns into a beer drinking football fan. Meanwhile, chickadees slipped onboard and got theirs. The female downy woodpecker came back for more suet but something scared her into freezing on the post.

Speaking of freezing, I went out to prune a better view and thought my fingers would drop off. The late afternoon sunlight caught birds roost-ward bound. Other cormorants perched on the lake snags.

There were a few streaky clouds to take color from the sunset. The first quarter moon was very crisp.
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