Finally I remembered to look for the moon while it was still overhead. The sky was hazy and grew more so during the day. A spider lurked on the threshold.

I finally got back outside in the late afternoon. When I moved a chair, a monarch butterfly fluttered out from behind it. I suspect it pupated in the azalea behind the chair. The wind gave it a rough time. I finally got it to let me move it to the scarlet climber where there were flowers if it needed to feed. When I looked an hour later, it was gone.

There was a hatching of flying ants. Something spun a silk nest in the money plant pods which kept me from removing the seeds. A leaf footed bug peered in though the window.
The beauty berries were beginning to lose the brilliant magenta and turn a rusty red. Only a few berries hung from the hackberry beyond the pool, unlike the one outside my window. But that offers critters three flavors - hackberry, beauty berry, and dogwood. There were far more trees turning yellow than red.
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