Morning belonged to a different day from afternoon! And evening was different from both. A pine warbler came for breakfast in the warm sunshine. I saw a blue jay. Then we left. While we were gone a wall of rain cloud slammed us and kept going, having dropped the temperature from the 70s to the 50s. March did not depart like a lamb.

Shortly after we got home, the clouds broke apart and the wind began to dry every surface. Not all that much water fell - the birdbath wasn't half full. A downy woodpecker hurried to the suet. The pine warbler reappeared. Titmice got their seeds faster than I could get the camera. Buffleheads dived all over the creek. I saw a fish cross the water in three leaps! Sunset tinted the remaining clouds and their reflections. Egrets congregated in a tree by the lake.
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