The sky was gloomy and overcast all day. Downy woodpeckers breakfasted with us. A mallard drake napped on the dock. The myrtle warbler guarded its feeders. I glimpsed a Carolina wren.

At lunch, a titmouse and a nuthatch darted in to get seeds. White throats were beginning to go to the feeder as well as pick up what fell from it.

The female cardinal sat on the feeder hanger and waited. And sure enough, the male popped up from the perch and fed her a seed! Just a few days ago he was still being a rude boor. And then the squirrels started up. They carried on up and down the dogwood trunk, apparently having a wonderful time.

Buds appeared on the blueberry twigs. The Carolina jessamine was blooming. And the dwarf daffodils joined the early daffodils. A late flower was opening on the camellia. Most of the buds got frosted.
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