A couple of morning glory flowers greeted me. A titmouse had a peck at the remnants of suet left over from Spring. Three chickadees continued to fight over the sunflower seeds. I have not seen chickadees act like this before. I wonder if they are siblings.
The mountain mint has been attacked by something that leaves the underside of the flower heads all webbed and full of frass. Leaves or bracts nearby lose their green and turn pale gray. Fewer wasps were around today. A black swallowtail fluttered around the rue.

The skimmer held one of those two inch roaches that live in the mulch. While the skimmer was free of vwertebrates, I caught a blue tailed skink swimming. I caught it several times before I finally got it to terra firma. Later it or another dashed around the patio.

The hummers didn't stay long on the feeder. But they did keep coming. I spotted the tailless brown thrasher.
In the late afternoon, a monarch landed in the cherry tree and stayed there till I got too close. It never went near the milkweed.

As I dripped dry, a titmouse scolded me for being too close to the feeder. So I went inside and the titmouse got its supper.
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