The Carolina wren was back for breakfast. The hibiscus put on a show of five blossoms. K hung a fresh feeder for the hummingbirds. When we got home, they were enjoying it. A buckeye joined the wasps on the mint, but not the mountain mint. I also saw a tiger and a palamedes swallowtail. A silver spotted skipper had flitted past at breakfast.

I rescued a mama spider and several crickets from the skimmer, which was full of dried oak leaves. It looked like a squirrel's
drey had come apart and pieces had fallen or been blown into the water. A thumbnail size mud crab on the pool steps turned out to be deceased. I imagine it escaped from a raccoon but then couldn't escape the water. A blue dasher and a great blue skimmer kept the mosquitoes away.

A couple of blue jays tried to pull a bait and switch on me but just then K came out to tell me about picking figs ahead of the storm. The bird I think is a Mississippi kite circled under the cloud cover. A hummer packed on some calories. Swallows flew high and chittered.

Thunder growled for quite some time with no lightning that I could see. Finally there was a flash and I counted to twelve before the thunder. A couple of minutes later, I heard a hissing, sizzling sound as well as a tremendous bang simultaneously with the
lightning flash. I hustled inside and the rain just missed me.It came down hard with more thunder and lightning for at least an hour. So I counted the day as done.
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