There was some sun at breakfast and it illuminated an egret in flight. Feeder birds were slow to arrive. But by lunchtime they, too, were hungry. So much was going on that I just kept watching. A junco came and went quickly and a blue jay made off with a bark butter ball but I think everyone else paid for their food with a photo. Pine warblers tussled over the suet. This upset the downy woodpecker who "owns" the suet. At least one of the warblers was an
orange crowned.

A squirrel sat to eat a pecan right in front of me. Well, I was indoors. But I went outside to admire the Fall colors. The dogwoods and cherries and the red maple have been spectacular this year. The sweet gum was catching up. And the hickories were more bronze than brown. Another squirrel appeared to have tangled with something that took the fur off its flank.

The bluebird clan hung out in the treetops for a while. Titmice got bolder about having a fair share at the feeders. The male red bellied woodpecker arrived and the downy cleared out. But the red bellied seemed much more anxious. Both species sneak up on the suet as though it might run away.

Both a male and a female oriole visited, but not together. A song sparrow popped up in the mulch. The Carolina wren had a go at the suet. White throats worked in the mulch.

Buffleheads and mallards appeared to be finding plenty to eat. I glimpsed one female bufflehead but saw mostly drakes. Cormorants were fishing too. The air grew still and the creek flattened in the afternoon. Then the light began to fail and by 3:30pm rain was falling. Night followed all too soon.
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