The placid creek reflected sunshine from the trees on the far side. Since this was the dark of the moon, low tide was quite low. Buffleheads, mallards, and geese disturbed the reflections. When buffleheads preen their bubblegum-pink legs come out of the water.

Songbirds seemed to be taking it easy. Cardinals were the first to arrive. White throats kicked some mulch to uncover breakfast. In the afternoon, I noticed a Carolina wren working its way up a pine trunk. Something dropped a periwinkle by the pool. The shell looked inhabited so I threw it as close to the water as I could get.

A squirrel with "chipmunk cheeks" was tucked in on a sunny branch. Turtles basked in the sun on the lake. Wasps were active, especially yellow jackets around the camellia. A yellow kneed wasp tried to get into the outdoor grill. I found some blooming witchhazel though I didn't see any pollinators there. The black eyed susan was still in flower, and making seeds. Leaves continued to drift down though the breeze was light.
Sunset left a warm afterglow, but it wasn't even five o'clock. And there's still a month to the solstice.
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