And no cat, as far as I could see. Instead, the male red bellied woodpecker came to breakfast, followed closely by the downy woodpecker pair. A Carolina wren, or maybe two, popped up. Several blue jays tried to snatch a meal without getting caught on camera. I did catch a white throated sparrow and a titmouse. A female Baltimore oriole visited the suet and bark butter balls. A male pine warbler wanted suet. A goldfinch landed on the suet but remained a vegetarian.

A squirrel had a terrible flea that required great contortions to chase. The same squirrel stretched out on the pool cover in the afternoon sun, just like a certain cat. And then that very same squirrel raided the grape jelly I'd put out in case the orioles returned.

A song sparrow appeared at lunch. The ruby crowned kinglet visited the bark butter. A white breasted nuthatch was lured by the suet. It picked out and dropped bits it didn't like. The downy woodpeckers weren't going to tolerate that. The oriole came back, along with the male, before the jelly was all gone. Another, paler female also appeared and had some jelly too. A white throat and a wren also returned. A myrtle warbler watched for a moment. I spotted a turtle on a log in the lake soaking up the afternoon sun.

The yellow birds:
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