Today was cooler, still windy, and mostly overcast, but full of birds. A female bluebird came for seeds. A myrtle warbler preferred suet. The cardinals were courting -- he ferried seeds all of 15 inches up to her. I guessed it was the thought that counted. A mockingbird settled for seeds. A red bellied woodpecker watched from the trees. White throats foraged in the mulch under the feeder. The male oriole settled for suet and the female did the same. A male bluebird took over the seeds from the female. The female oriole considered the seeds and sampled them. Even a blue jay was hungry enough for seeds. I refilled the dishes and a myrtle warbler inspected first the jelly, then the barkbutter balls. Gulls, pelicans, and cormorants pursued fish.
The sky was brighter at lunch. I saw another pelican. A Carolina wren found what remained of the barkbutter crumbs. Then a bluebird poked at the crumbs and complained. A female brown headed cowbird paused on the seed feeder hanger. Hooded mergansers fished and socialized. The male red belly finally came to eat suet. When he left a wren moved in, then a downy. By evening there were rents in the clouds and some sunset color as the cormorants flew home.
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