Dawn was slow and clouds reflected pale orange light. An egret monitored the creek from a dock post. But I couldn't see anything -- the high tide had a dull, wrinkled surface. Eventually a cormorant paddled past. Two Carolina wrens checked each feeder between them. Again a female bluebird wanted seeds. A male house finch joined her. White throats continued their mulch kicking. I saw a white breasted nuthatch but it was too fast for me. A blue jay had to confirm that the barkbutter dish was really empty. A mockingbird also inspected the empty dish. Another mockingbird showed up and the two flew at each other. I don't know if it was rivalry or true love. A myrtle warbler watched from the bench back.
By lunchtime there was sunshine in a bright blue sky. Geese were earning their reputation for foolishness, chasing each other. I refilled the barkbutter dish so we would have entertainment at lunch. Sure enough, blue jays wasted no time. The bluebirds still preferred seeds. So did a brown headed nuthatch.
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