Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Busy morning

A very strange cloud was faintly visible above the pines across the creek before it moved off East. It was an arc of radiating streaks, sort of like a crown, but too wispy for a good photo. A crow kept popping up out of the pines, hovering with a great deal of flapping, then plunging back into the trees. I bet that meant there was a hawk, and I was right. Crows finally chased it off West. It is supposed to get very warm today.

Later heavier clouds moved in from the West. An eagle did a fly-by. A pileated woodpecker worked his way up the neighbor's pine tree. Mergansers were diving in the creek which was quite rough surfaced. A cardinal, a blue jay, two robins, and a flock of blackbirds came to the yard. A white-throated sparrow drank from the birdbath and house finches took possession of the feeder. That sounds like Edward Lear.

After lunch, it is shirt-sleeve warm and the sky has cleared. Bees are mobbing the rosemary. It stayed mostly clear with thin streaks of cloud all the way to sunset. Several herons flew across the dam in the early evening before the cormorant commute. The kingfisher flew silently downstream. The sunset makes the pines at the head of the creek appear to be on fire.

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