The fog is slowly lifting but still very gray and drippy. Not an auspicious start for the backyard bird count. But last year there were high winds and that was worse.
Finally, around 11am the cloud cover began to break up with gray fuzz streaming South and higher clouds moving slowly East. Then everyone came out to feed! My one hour count:
Brown Pelican | 1 |
Great Egret | 1 |
Ring-billed Gull | 5 |
Great Black-backed Gull | 1 |
Blue Jay | 1 |
American Crow | 4 |
Carolina Chickadee | 3 |
Tufted Titmouse | 2 |
American Robin | 5 |
White-throated Sparrow | 1 |
Dark-eyed Junco | 5 |
Northern Cardinal | 1 |
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