Sunday, December 2, 2012

A hint of mist

It seems quite still and there are oodles of songbirds:  a towhee, a titmouse, chickadees, finches, cardinals, nuthatches, sparrows, juncos, and around the edges, bluejays and doves.  The towhee and the titmouse left before the juncos arrived. 

Do you see all three birds in the photo?  The nuthatches were everywhere - on the feeder, in the mulch, drinking from the birdbath, using the post as a hatch for their nuts, and squabbling with each other.  The sparrows also got into a spat.  On the feeder, first a cardinal and later a finch drove off the competition.  As Darwin observed, "The most intense competition may be among individuals of the same species who compete for nearly identical environmental requirements."

Late morning, three buffleheads are paddling back and forth beyond the dock. A bright green stink bug appeared on the inside of the window.  I released it into the wild. 

A very pink sunset, then four hours later, a fat yellow past-full moonrise.

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