Friday, July 5, 2013

First hibiscus flower

The humidity is less and only a little condensation was on the edge of the windows.  Titmice and chickadees competed on the feeder while squirrels scampered below.  Clouds are making the sun blink.  We ate our own blueberries for breakfast. Cardinals and finches have arrived.  Two male house finches rose in the air batting their wings at each other.  Red birds and red flowers against lush green.

It was a great day for arthropods: damselflies, widow skimmers, pondhawks, tiger swallowtails, little black bees, sawfly wasps drowning, a whirligig beetle that I think bit me, and an enormous spider I rescued from the depths.  I figured the spider was dead but it revived and crawled back to the pool and fell in again.  The beetle was fascinating - very round but able to popup into the air like a click beetle.

The wrens sang all over the yard and especially by the birdhouse. The chaste tree is blooming and there are pods on the Egyptian pea vine.  A large convoy of Canada geese went downstream.  The young ones are smaller but otherwise feathered like adults.  A little green heron, an osprey, and a great egret flew overhead.  Crows were making their courting rattle in the oak. Clouds made a colorful sunset. 

Around 11pm I heard metal screech and turned on the light.  Two young raccoons were looking for sunflower seeds.  One ran off but the other was very curious about me, standing up on the steps for a better view. 

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