Saturday, November 30, 2019

Happy Birdday

The last time lots of birds showed up on a quiet, gray day, a friend suggested I call it that.  And since this followed my birthday, why not. I was up early and saw cormorants fishing and a GBH lurking. 

Up on the patio songbirds began to assemble.  Downy woodpeckers, titmice, and a Carolina wren each sought their preferred food.  A flock of robins darted around in the trees but didn't come close.  Then the cat showed up, but gave up quickly and moved on.  Unfortunately, so did the birds.

After a while, Juncos popped up.  A couple of pine warblers ate and argued.  At lunchtime the can came back but this time the birds didn't seem to notice.  Perhaps it was the number  of birds, but something made them testy.  They mostly refused to share and the house finches got into a fight.  The oriole came out for a moment but found it all too much. 

A female bufflehead paddled upstream  Surprisingly, I saw a few yellow jackets around the camellia.  Then the blue birds arrived, but why I don't know because they only watched. 

A red bellied wood pecker took a turn at the suet until he was kicked of by  a downy half his size.  The final visitor I saw was a song sparrow.  It reminded me that I had not seen any white throats

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