Saturday, July 25, 2020


For July, it was pleasant - low 90s and moderate humidity.  All sorts of wildlife showed up to enjoy the day. A blue jay began with a bark butter ball.  Then I spotted a cicada killer in the chaste tree.

At lunch, a buckeye joined the bees and wasps on the mountain mint.  A black swallowtail circled the rue.  I found a blue mud wasp on the mountain mint. A night heron landed on the dock while I was pruning hackberry branches that intruded into my view. 
I rescued a young earwig and got stung again by another dratted sweat bee.  And I found a mud crab in the pool which I netted and released downhill.
A slaty skimmer was bumped from its perch by a widow skimmer.  I saw several skinks but only got pictures of a very small one. 

Up on a sunny oak limb, a male red bellied woodpecker was having a spa day, preening and sunbathing.  Earlier it had raided the bark butter balls. A brown thrasher had the same idea.  Bluebirds made occasional visits.  The Carolina wren preferred to take its bark butter ball under a chair and peck it apart.  Goldfinches came to drink from the ant moat. 

The crescent moon was faintly visible overhead mid afternoon. It was sharper after dark, but there was less light for the camera. 

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