Thursday, October 29, 2020

Hurricane Zeta

Zeta landed on the Gulf Coast yesterday and streaked diagonally across the Southern states, aiming at Delaware. I was online with people in other parts of Virginia where it was raining mid morning.  The rain didn't start here till 2:30pm but the wind was already very gusty at noon.  It was also very warm.  Zeta traveled at over 50mph and was out over the Atlantic by evening.  I have never heard of a tropical storm crossing a thousand miles of land in one day. 

The day began with a pretty sunrise but became overcast quickly.  The feral cat arrived after breakfast.  A downy woodpecker wanted suet but spooked.  A red breasted nuthatch made several trips to the sunflower seeds between wind gusts.  But it was too fast for me.  A blue jay asked for bark butter balls.  

The wind gusts peeled all the gold leaves out of the oaks and drove them like a blizzard.  They formed drifts on the creek.  On the front porch we found a hermit thrush that had hit the wall or window.  I left it to recover or die.  The sky began to clear after 4pm though the wind stayed strong.  





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