Monday, October 5, 2020

Skink rescue

A gorgeous day, but it was too cool and breezy to think of getting in the water.  I can deal with cold air or cold water, but not both.  A snout butterfly rested on a dogwood leaf just long enough for one photo.  A carpenter bee explored a daylily flower.  The mountain mint was deserted and when I looked closely, most of it had stopped flowering.  Perhaps that was its response to the spider mites.  In any event, it will give me a chance to douse it in Neem Oil. 

Even if I refused to swim, that didn't stop the ground beetles, or a skink that may have been after them.  When I reached down to try to lift the skink out of the water, it dived.  Then it slowly drifted deeper as though it was dead.  But eventually it came swimming back to the surface.  Then it rafted around on a leaf while I went to get the pole with a screen on the end.  The leaf may have been a psychological comfort but it was useless as a flotation device.  When I got back with the pole, the skink let me lift it out of the water.  

The floating leaves made interesting reflections in the sunlight before they softened and flattened.  I found a few toadstools over by the redbud trees. 

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