Curiously, despite three freezes, parts of the lantana are still green. The Carolina Jessamine seed pods have opened. The seeds are like those in a pine cone - a little flat wing thickened at one end. I distributed some in various spots around the yard. The rose over by the fig has been blooming, presumably because all the pruning has given it more sun.

A flock of juncos enjoyed puttering in the mulch, drinking at the birdbath, and occasionally flying up to the feeder. A Carolina wren joined them. Then a titmouse. Then everyone disappeared and I too saw a hawk.
Late afternoon, I went out on the dock. It was pretty warm but there was wind. Three female hooded mergansers scooted off to the other side of the creek. The low sun turned their brown to gold. A pelican was fishing very successfully. I watched several go down the gullet. Cormorants and gulls flew past and the moon rode high and bright. The mud bank is covered with raccoon prints.
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