A half dozen or so were scavenging in the rain, as were a squirrel, a junco, and a sparrow. The doves sound like stage owls, their coo is really a who. Something startled them but not the squirrel. It is still gray and wet but this is supposed to be the last day of it. A steady drop in temperature is predicted which will clear the skies.

By late morning, the feeder was quite busy. A cardinal held it against titmice, finches, and a wren. Later the finches did the same. Juncos, wrens, titmice, chickadees, and nuthatches nevertheless snatched seeds. Sparrows scurried below with more juncos, wrens and doves. Meanwhile a pelican cruised over the creek.
All were gone by lunch. Snow is predicted for tonight. It has not snowed since my last week working. A cold, raw wind is driving the rain against the windows.
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