It would make much more sense to me to begin the year at the solstice instead of ten days later. Nevertheless, I overslept, and all I've seen this morning are a junco on the feeder and a squirrel trying to rob the feeder. And raindrops plinking one at a time into the birdbath. A little later a chickadee showed up.

When we returned after mid-afternoon, the birds were having a party with a squirrel. A half dozen doves, a towhee, two wrens, sparrows, juncos, finches, cardinals, chickadees and a nuthatch were all making a mess. Hulls everywhere. They rushed off when we came in, but gradually drifted back. The photo is a Carolina wren and a white-throated sparrow, both have white eyeliner.

A flock of cedar waxwings paused in the redwood. An eagle soared over the dam. Gulls cruised the creek, occasionally making plunges into the water. Not a bad start to the year.
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