A song sparrow and a Carolina wren joined the regulars for breakfast. There are lots of clouds but the sun is finding breaks. K said one of the squirrels appeared to be injured.
Now that I've see the squirrel, I think it's a bad itch of some sort. The poor squirrel was scratching and biting its shoulder.

Meanwhile, we were flooded with doves, one of which has a white tail. The song sparrow is still foraging under the peavine. A titmouse visited the feeder. Blue jays are up in the trees. A woodpecker hid in the wild cherry - a hairy or a sapsucker. A flicker perched high in the sweet gum.
A tiger swallowtail fooled me with its convincing imitation of a leaf drifting on the breeze. Mid-afternoon, a black swallow took an interest in the rue.
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