Clouds are slowly drifting Southeast. A bumblebee pollinated the morning glories. A nuthatch and a titmouse joined the usual three at the seed feeder. The hummer feeder is clean and fresh. A jay flew loudly across the yard. A hummer rejected the feeder and tried the peavine.

It is a lovely day. Now the clouds are moving Northeast and dissipating as they pass over. A tiger swallowtail feasted on the lantana out front.
Skinks were out, including one I rescued alive from the pool. They
can swim! Blue jays swarmed raucously in the oak. Wrens have been lurking. A pair of swallows were fussing and flew right over our heads. A
gulf fritillary landed on an azalea, then a
painted lady on a dogwood. A sizable jumping spider scurried out from under the rosemary.
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