An early hummer tried the morning glories, the pea flowers, and the lavender before deciding on the morning glories. She nearly disappeared into them. Titmice joined chickadees and finches for seeds. A large V-formation just passed over headed Southeast. A dove dropped in briefly.
At lunch, a palamedes swallowtail tasted the pea flowers but flew away before I was halfway to the camera. Yes, I cursed.

Later, a tiger swallowtail binged on the lantana again. Carolina wrens are around, A cardinal has started eating the beauty berries. I saw other butterflies: cloudless sulphur, red spotted purple, and pearl crescent. A female eastern pondhawk landed on the patio. A grasshopper flew across the pool doing a good imitation of a hummingbird. Acorns keep dropping into the pool, thanks to the squirrels and maybe birds too. Crows were up in the oak making odd croaks and creaks, not cawing. The clouds have pretty much gone.
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