My body does not understand daylight savings so I was awake at the usual time. The sky is clear but there are trees to the East, so no eclipse view. A couple of female cardinals and many sparrows came with the dawn. Top is a song sparrow and bottom is a white throat. Now the sun is lighting up the pines across the creek. It's a lot colder than yesterday and last week.

Chickadees arrived later. The wind is gusty, tossing leaves across the sky. A few shreds of cumulus blew past. A third sunflower bud opened. Morning glories are still blooming. When I went to get the paper, I noticed the crape myrtle has gone yellow and is shedding leaves. It was still blooming when we left for our trip. On the other hand, the Carolina jessamine has opened some buds now instead of waiting for Spring.
Well, this is a reversal! Around noon, big cumulus clouds poured out of the Northwest looking rain-heavy. The sparrows, cardinals, chickadees and squirrels came for lunch. They really like the peavine jungle. Now the clouds are less menacing and there is plenty of blue.
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