Little puffy shreds of cumulus are trotting West. It's a tad warmer - the birdbath isn't frozen. There's no ice on the creek but that may be the wind's work. A Carolina wren came before breakfast to hunt peanut crumbs that I tossed out for it yesterday. Then white throats arrived and the rosemary was awiggle with birds. They don't much care for peanut. Chickadees showed up at the feeder for breakfast.
The wren returned to inspect the grill and peer in at me while I read the paper.

At lunch time, apparently fish were schooling right in front of our shore. Two great blue herons, more than six great egrets, and innumerable gulls swarmed, moved up the creek a bit, then back downstream. Now the egrets are lined up below the dam while the gulls circle over the lake. That makes no sense as there is no way for the fish to cross the dam.
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