A mist over the creek segued into overcast. Pelicans were patrolling early. A mourning dove sat under the feeder all fluffed out. It is somewhat warmer and quiet.

The cloudcover passed on a breeze from the West. Cormorants, a great blue heron, and mergansers are fishing. Finches, chickadees, and a white breasted nuthatch have visited the feeder while white throats scurry below. The finches were working on the sweet gum earlier, as was a bluebird!

A Carolina wren investigated everything including me. A mockingbird snacked on beauty berries. After lunch, titmice joined the feeder crowd. More squirrels look battered. A timid junco was quickly frightened back under the rosemary. Last year juncos arrived on the 5th of November and in 2011 on the 1st of November. They're a month late.

Seven or more buzzards circled over the lake. A blue jay found a good place to hammer seeds on a level branch of dogwood. And the pine warbler returned briefly.
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