The junco popped up first on the frosty mulch. White throats followed and a Carolina wren came to the door to complain that I hadn't left it any goodies. On the feeder, I saw chickadees, finches, and titmice. There's a hint of mist in the distance, but not the fog I thought was gathering last night. I guess it precipitated as frost.

Wait, wait, fog is moving South toward us now...It just swept through, blotting out the trees and glowing in the sunlight ... and then gone. I took the opportunity to scatter a couple of peanut pieces, but instead the wren took possession of the feeder and drove chickadees and titmice away. The grass is wet and the frost is melting everywhere, but the birdbath has long crystals of ice. The creek is glassy except when a bird or fish disturbs it.

All the ice was gone by late morning and bees were feeding on the rosemary. Cardinals and sparrows contended for the feeder. A lone merganser male paddled up the creek. Two crows did aerial battle.
The white throats continued to eat all afternoon. Sunset was made interesting by cloud streaks. I learned that an ice fog is a
pogonip, but I don't think that's quite the same as simply having fog when there's frost.
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