About 6am I saw Jupiter in the West. At 7, the whole sky blushed rose. The clouds gradually became more orange, then soft gray when their undersides were no longer lit. About a half hour later the sky was crosshatched with contrails that expanded and slid Northeast. Then a white glaze of cloud came in from the West.
Meanwhile, egrets hunted a good fishing spot. A couple of pelicans and a few cormorants flew past. There's no morning cormorant commute as there is in the evening. A mix of ducks, including mergansers and a ruddy, paddled by. A white throat scurried and I heard other birds. A squirrel came to the window and stood up to get a better look at me. The Carolina wren checked on everything.

At lunch, great blue herons and great egrets lined the bulkhead while cormorants and hooded mergansers paddled past and pelicans cruised above. There must be plenty of fish. The usual suspects, plus sparrows came to the feeder. The cloud cover was heavier but it had texture, unlike yesterday's uniform gray. A blue jay hung around the edge of the creek and two buzzards soared.
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