There was sun earlier but now it has hazed over. A mallard drake and the white domestic duck were out padding on the glassy creek. I learned on the GBBC Facebook page that the domestic is a
Pekin duck which has been bred from mallard stock. Clearly size and color don't matter to the ducks.

The sun is coming and going but the sky to the North remains murky. The creek is now ruffled. Chickadees are up and breakfasting, as is a squirrel. The Carolina jessamine is blooming like Spring was here.
At lunch a very small, tan bird floated off the dock, maybe a
ruddy duck? A pelican took the plunge and got its reward. Chickadees ignored us to get at the feeder.

The late afternoon brought a song sparrow to the feeder. Egrets and cormorants flew home and a flock of geese floated downstream, slow and stately. A great blue heron flew West, then East.
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