White throats and the usual suspects came to breakfast. Geese paddled on the creek. Later, a "V" appeared in the creek surface and up popped a female hooded merganser. A large branch lodged near the dock, pretending to be an alligator. A pelican cruised downstream. I put some peanut bits out and they disappeared when I wasn't looking.

On the stroke of noon the sun came out. More white throats, cardinals, and chickadees came for lunch. Squirrels and white-throats scarfed up a second serving of peanut bits. A few shreds of cumulus are blowing Southeast. Gulls are fishing on the creek and I saw something I've never seen before: a flying great blue heron plunged into belly-deep water as though it were a pelican.

Heavy clouds blew through, cleared, and then more came through the afternoon. They made a spectacular sunset, but I don't know the cause of the lurid white patches. The moon, waxing toward full, rose through the clouds opposite the sunset. By 9pm the sky was clear again.
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