Only a squirrel thus far. It is dark and wet and windy. There was a lot of debris under the sunflowers I had picked and brought inside. I thought it was the flower disintegrating till I noticed a tiny inchworm. It was dark with lighter chevrons. The whole mess is now outside in the rain on a chair seat.

Mid morning brought a feeding frenzy. Joining the three usual species were a flock of white throats, Carolina wrens, and tufted titmice. The feeder perch was heavy with rain and any other bird plus a cardinal tipped it shut. I don't know how I got any decent photos through the wet window. And the camera kept complaining about the low light. Then the rain got heavier.

It tapered off around lunch and there appeared, for the first time to my knowledge, a
pine warbler! It was very pleased with the feeder, less so with the competition.
Just before bed, some frozen white pellets fell and melted on the patio.
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