There is open water by the bulkhead where the current runs but the creek is still iced on our side. The sky is cloudy with blue spaces. A blue jay was hammering away in the cherry. Chickadees, a cardinal, and sparrows breakfasted. A mockingbird surveyed the yard from atop the redwood. The sparrows were happy the birdbath ice has melted.

The sun has come out though there are still clouds. It's been playing peek-a-boo while the clouds to the North look dark. A song sparrow took possession of the feeder. Then the Carolina wren arrived. A cardinal wanted a share. Then a male finch tried to get in, but no luck. Eventually he was able to seize the moment, and a seed.
At lunch, the wren was back along with white throats and squirrels. A few mergansers were out on the creek. Egrets hung around the dam outflow.
Rain started in the afternoon, sooner than predicted.
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