It looks like there is about 6" of snow on the chair seats and table tops. Elsewhere there is drifting. The creek looks like milk that's gone off - a muddy, greenish white. I think the dog across the creek fell in. There was much shouting, a human lay down on their dock, then dragged the dog uphill by the collar.
White throats and juncos were up first, the the trio of usuals. A hawk dived at the feeder but didn't catch breakfast and sat in the dogwood for a while to recover.

I tossed some more seed on the snow. After a while the birds came back, including a song sparrow, a Carolina wren, a male towhee, and a dove. One male cardinal refused to let another come to the feeder. I saw three female cardinals. A mockingbird sat in the oak for a while. Flocks of birds went by and a gull played on the wind. The snow is blowing rather than falling.

At lunch a brown thrasher hung out in the hickory while the other birds kept eating.
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