The ground and small objects are covered. Sparrows are up to their feathers under the feeder but closer to the house there's crunchy ice. K dumped some seeds there for the ground feeders. Sparrows and the usual trio have been busy at the feeder. A pelican checked out the creek which has floating skins of ice and open water. It's windy but the sun is bright. Gulls are playing and I saw one do a sideways roll. Geese paddled upstream.

K saw a female towhee but I missed it. In fact, all the birds disappeared. Then I saw a big hawk flying away, and the birds came back. There are three female cardinals and they do not like each other. I also saw a song sparrow. The Carolina wren took up its post on the grill hose. A dove found the snow too unpleasant to hunt for seeds. The other birds seem to sit right into the snow, maybe keeping their feet warm?

Later, juncos appeared and struggled in the snow. Two male towhees came back and one took over the feeder, something I've never seen before. The birds are really fighting for food this morning. A chickadee tried to get at something behind the roof icicles. Pelicans continue to fish and there are egrets blending into the snow on the dam. A mockingbird visited the beauty berry bush.
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