The wind switched around and is coming out of the West, pushing fat cumulus along. It is very clear and the sun is intense. A hummer visited early. A blue dasher was up already.
Skinks were out at lunch. A tattered hairstreak pollinated the portulaca. A yellow ladybug climbed the morning glory.

I got down to the dock, I think for the first time this year. I saw an amberwing, a dark dragonfly that wouldn't stop, an orchard spider, and a jellyfish, but it was high tide with not much action. The sun was intense, so I didn't stay very long. A white feather was caught in the roots by the creek bank.

Later when the tide went down I saw a great egret and a great blue heron. The wind made the late afternoon more chilly than I had expected. The clouds put on a show.
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