Titmice and the regulars came for breakfast. A Carolina wren scurried around under the rosemary. The sky was not fully overcast at first but turned white by mid-morning.
At lunch, the titmice were back. The male goldfinch worked on the new sunflower seed head. A female hummer hovered here and there, including the lavender. Skinks dashed across the pavement.

By early evening the promised rain had not appeared. A swarm of birds came for supper. A male towhee stopped by briefly. Both male and female goldfinches chowed down. Many titmice competed with the regulars. A twelve-spotted skimmer zipped overhead. At twilight a couple of foxes trotted around the pool and ran across the back yard.
Tonight was supposed to be a "super moon" - a full moon when its orbit brings it closer to Earth. The sky cleared somewhat at sunset but clouds in the East obscured moonrise. Even at bedtime there was too much cloud cover.
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