A scruffy, molting Carolina wren joined the chickadees on the feeder at breakfast.
Mist fell, but no real rain during the morning. I saw dragonflies over the road as I drove back.

At lunch, a white breasted nuthatch came to the feeder along with titmice. Then a hummer appeared, different from the one I photographed yesterday. A black swallowtail came through the yard. Since I cut off the rotten sunflowers the lower buds have swelled into smaller blooms. They're the closest thing to sunshine today. The clouds are very gray and look heavy and wet.

Around 3pm the sky began to clear but it remained very humid. A goldfinch started to visit but veered off. A skinklet came out of the mulch. And by 5pm the dark clouds returned.
When I was returning home around 9pm a fox darted across the street. It was amazingly fast.
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