The morning was sunny and windy and quite cool. Along with the regulars, a titmouse, a Carolina wren, a female goldfinch, and a mourning dove showed up. The goldfinch was more successful getting a drink from the hummer feeder than getting a turn at the seed feeder.

In the late morning, a titmouse hung upside down to attack something in a fascia vent.

The afternoon was lovely but I spent most of it inside at the convention center. There were mallards and a blooming water lily in the courtyard pool. I thought I'd take a photo of the waterlily when I left but at 4pm it was already closed up. Of course, the duck was still there.
Back home, I saw a Carolina wren and three doves beneath the feeder. There were mushrooms in the mulch that look like shiitakis to me. Toward evening, the sky clouded over.
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